칼슘 카보네이트(Clacium carbonate)

조회수 3589

▪ 약물의 분류: 제산제

▪ 임신부 약물등급(US FDA): 정보없음

▪ 임신부 안전 및 기형발생정보 :We have not identified adverse reproductive effects specifically of calcium carbonate. For a discussion of calcium and its salts in general, see #1340. For a discussion of antacids, see #1018.

▪ 모유수유부 약물등급(Medication and Mother’s MilK): 정보없음

▪ 모유수유 안전 및 유해성정보 :No lactation benefits were demonstrated from supplementing low-calcium diets with calcium salts during late pregnancy or lactation. The extra calcium needed from the production of milk appears to come from reduced excretion of calcium in urine and mobilization from bone, not from increased dietary uptake. Concern has been expressed that the metabolic changes to preserve calcium during lactation might increase the risk of hypercalcemia in women who use calcium supplements when breastfeeding.In women with elevated levels of bone lead #1116, some data suggest that calcium supplements might reduce the mobilization of lead from bone during late pregnancy and lactation.

▪ 한국마더세이프전문상담센터 DB 정보 (모태독성학2016):

1) 기형발생정보
칼슘 카보네이트에 노출된 후 추적된 임신부는 총 26례이었으며 초기 노출 후 자연유산율은 7.6%(2/26)이었다. 임신 37주 이전의 조산률은 0%, 2,500 g 미만의 저체중증은 0%이었다. 주요기
형발생은 4.6%(1/22): dysplastic kidney left with megaureter(1)가 있었다.

2) 모유 수유 시 독성 및 적합성 정보
수유부-수유아 7쌍 중 부작용 사례는 없었다.

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사단법인 임산부약물정보센터

사단법인 임산부약물정보센터 (대표자: 한정열)
사업자등록번호 794-82-00187
서울 중구 퇴계로50길 12-1 2층| 메일주소 master@mothersafe.or.kr
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